My friend, Carryn and I joined the Eden Prairie Fire Auxillary in the fall as a way to help out with fire department events that our husbands are involved with. Little did we know we would meet two great new friends, Catt and Patrice! Its been so fun! It feels like we have known these girls for a very long time when in reality we met less than 6 months ago! We have spent a lot of time together just us girls and decided it was time to have the guys all hang out too so we planned a fun cabin weekend at Carryn's family cabin!
Here is all of the girls one of the first times we hung out outside of auxillary events!
It was a blast! Unfortunately our friend Patrice got really sick the week before we were supposed to go up there so she was unable to make it but we are already working on making some plans for a redo this summer and fall!
We drove up Friday night after everyone got off work, headed to the grocery store to stock up on snacks and drinks for the weekend! Catt, our little planner, had packed her whole kitchen to bring up there and there was more than enough food to feed a small army all weekend! Of course she forgot her purse so when we went to the liquor store the lady there almost wouldn't sell to us because she didn't couldn't provide her ID. After some slightly awkward interactions with the liquor store employee we got our drinks and were on our way!
The first night there we had so much fun playing college drinking games...that we had to look up the rules for again...clearly we haven't played for a while! We played categories and it was hilarious! Most memorable was when someone picked state capitols for the category, the Stephen said St. Paul and Catt shouted Milwaukee so confidently...we all just about died laughing!
The next morning we headed to Nelsons, a local truck stop for breakfast! It was so delicious and just what the doctor ordered after a long night of drinking! Then the girls split up from the guys and headed to our favorite place...CRAFTS DIRECT! The boys went back to the cabin and watched March Madness and played with Paul and Catt's dog, Mia!
Here are the fun crafts I made from the weekend! Needed a little spring decor to spice up our house!
A while back at Costco they had our favorite workout jackets again so we decided that we would have a "fun fire wives" jacket and all got matching ones in purple! We decided back when we planned this weekend that all of us girls would wear our purple jackets on the same day!
I think Justin was a little jealous that he didn't have a purple jacket so he tried to squeeze into Carryns!
Oh poor Justin...
All of the girls sporting our "fun fire wives" uniform!
Saturday night Catt made a delicious chicken marsala meal for all of us! She is such a great cook and we so love trying all of her recipes! We stayed up late again talking and having some drinks by the fire!
Sunday we cleaned up the cabin and headed home!
We couldn't have asked for a more perfect weekend filled with relaxation, fun and great friends! We are so thrilled the guys got along so well! I have a feeling we are all going to spending a lot of time together for a very long time! So grateful to have such great friends!
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