Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Smedstad Family Reunion

Nothing says summer like a good old fashioned family reunion!  We were lucky enough to have my brother, sister in law and two nieces up here last week from Oklahoma!  I was so good to see them!  We decided to have a big Smedstad family reunion at my uncle Tom's cabin in Maple Lake, Minnesota.  It was so much fun!  The weather left much to be desired...it was drizzling and chilly all day but we made the best of it and ate lots of great food!
Here is my brother, Chris heading out for his first ever attempt at kayaking...yes we all had our cameras ready to capture him flip the kayak over, ahem...I mean succeed!

Sasha Leigh and Kirstin Leigh before a BRISK pontoon ride...cut short by freezing temperatures and rain sprinkles!

STEEEEEVE-OOOOO being the goofball he is!!
On Sunday we celebrated sweet Sasha Leigh's 4th birthday!!!  What a beautiful day that turned out to be!  We were able to spend the afternoon outside playing games, eating delicious food and spending time with family.

Chris, Holly, Ashlyn and Sasha

The birthday girl with her tootsie roll cake!  How precious!!

I will leave you with this lovely photo my sister, Carrie and niece, Hailey left as the lock screen on my phone.  Gosh I am so blessed to be a part of this crazy fun family!

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